November 22, 2016

Methods of Torture in Romania

‘Methods of Torture and ill-treatment in Romanian Immigration Detention Centres’


This briefing provides an overview of immigration detention-deportation centres in Romania.

This report, however, may not be used as an excuse to evict refugees and asylum seekers whether in Romania or in the Europe’s Dublin Regulation Member States.

This description of the circumstances under which Torture Victims are in detention centers aims to stop all forms of cruelty and humiliation as well as all forms of physical or psychological ill-treatment, and this report is not intended in any way to endanger the persons(survivors of torture, witnesses, detainees) concerned at risk. Whether those who are in Detention Centers or released them from Detention Centers in Romania.

Many Torture Victims have faced torture in a number of different torture methods, both physically and psychological. Some of the most common methods of physical torture including beatings(frequently, severe and repeated beating with Baton or other instruments), suffocation, submersion and stretching.

Psychological forms of torture and ill-treatment, which very often have the most long-lasting consequences for victims, commonly include: isolation, threats, humiliation and witnessing the torture of others.

Torture and ill-treatment in Romanian Immigration Detention Centres

  • Handcuffed in Bed for many hours up to a few days, denying them adequate food and water or toilet breaks
  • Throwing tear gas into cell, so that causing trouble breathing,
  • Severe and repeated beating with baton or other instruments causing deep cuts, pain, bleeding and broken bones. Other arbitrary punishments include being kicked or punched. Survivors of torture reported being assaulted or beaten on all parts of the body, most commonly on the head and face, arms, back, chest, abdomen and legs.
  • During beating, victims are thrown to the ground on broken glass or other things and when the beating ended the prison officers' steps on the victims' head and puts lot of pressure on deep cuts too to cause more pain, some victims were unable to walk at all, victims have described how the body would swell and their clothing would be stained with blood from the head to the feet as a result of beatings but the authorities of detention centres have refused to give them permission to have medical treatment outside the detention centres,
  • Frequently beating a father in the presence of his child,
  • Suffocation, Submersion, Water-boarding,
  • Humiliation and mistreatment,
  • Holding detainees in very stress positions, being forced and deported back to their countries of origin, thus facing torture again.
  • Insufficient access to medical services after torturing and beating.

These physical and psychological torture can be very dangerous and have negative impact on refugees and asylum seekers for rest of their life.

We condemn such action taken against vulnerable refugees and asylum seekers who have already been subject to violence and persecution in their countries of origin as well as in Romanian Immigration Detention Centres too.

There are many questions such as,

Why the perpetrators do not fear arrest, prosecution or punishment?

Why “Europe’s Dublin Regulation Member States” do not stop the deportation of refugees and asylum seekers to Romania?

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